Teaching German

Lingo Global

Learn German with Lingo Global

Lingo Global offers a free educational magazine for young learners of German aged approximately between 15 and 17. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) form the thematic basis of the magazines and are presented in a clear and target group-oriented way at A2 level in German.

Teaching with the Lingo Global magazines


Every year, four „Lingo Global“ magazines are published in print and as well as an electronic magazine version. Each magazine takes up one of the 17 goals and presents a particular topic from its’ scope. Specific technical terms are marked as “important words” and can be translated by readers to their own language in the margin. Photos, charts, and vivid presentation of facts support learners‘ comprehension.

Expert interviews or pro-con debates then delve into various content aspects of the topic and expand vocabulary. Learners are also presented with approaches to solutions from Germany and around the world and are also shown simple ways in which everyone can take action themselves in their own environment. Each magazine’s „workshop“ page offers speaking suggestions on the topic, such as preparing a presentation on the topic or describing a picture.

Pratice your German online

In addition, the Lingo Global website offers various interactive online exercises that allow learners to playfully apply and review what they have learned. In addition, further facts deepen knowledge about the magazines. This content can be used to expand vocabulary and grammar skills and is also suitable for cross-curricular use in teaching German as a foreign language and German as a second language for schools and institutions worldwide.


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